2020 Vision

With the new year upon us, it would be ridiculous if I didn’t make a
resolution. Yes, I know that most everyone makes one and almost none of them
ever come to life. But, maybe it’s time for that to change.

The guys and I had quite a 2019. To say it was incredible is an understatement. All of us here went through so many changes and are in so many different places in life, it really is incredible. Looking back, I wouldn’t want to change a thing. With everything we experience in life, a lesson can be learned. Whether it’s traveling abroad to visit your best friend, moving to a new city and living with your girlfriend or simply drinking too much and passing (or blacking) out, a lesson can be learned

I learned that life is what you make it. I don’t have any more control over
my life than any of my roommates or even you do. It’s understandable that we
can control the “controllable”: when we go to sleep, if we want to go
out with friends, what to eat for dinner, etc. But throughout our days, no
matter how much we plan, life always happens and not all things go our way.
Sound simple enough, but most people have a hard time accepting that reality.
My biggest take away is that even when life happens, learn to make the best of
it. Getting angry and upset at the littlest of things has never done anyone any
good. It’s a hard thing to do, but it needs to be done.

Another resolution of mine has to do with our podcasts: we want to do them
consistently. With the regular Across the Pond and the new Ripe Apples, we have
a lot of work ahead of us. None of us live in the same state, and one of us
doesn’t even live in the same country. Finding time that works within all our
schedules will be difficult but can be done. We want to provide you, our
viewers, consistent and excitable content that we can all enjoy.

New Year’s resolutions are such a bust, but it all comes down to the effort that we put into them. Let’s all get after it this 2020 and make those resolutions come to life.

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